Moral and Psychological Support of Training and Using of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Socio- Humanitarian Dimension

Author`s Contribution:

Petro P. KRUT 1 A
Anatoliy V. STADNIK 1, 2 A
A — Study design;
B — Data collection;
C — Statistical analysis;
D — Data interpretation;
E — Manuscript preparation;
F — Literature search;
G — Funds collection;
  • Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine
  • Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health”, Ukraine
Received: 15.05.2021Accepted: 17.06.2021Published: 29.06.2021
Background and aim of study
Service and combat activities of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are carried out in difficult political, economic and socio-cultural conditions.
Research methods
The research methodology is based on the theoretical analysis of special psychological and pedagogical literature, the study and generalization of practical experience.
A comprehensive analysis of the socio-cultural foundations of the security and defense of the state has been carried out. The features and limitations of the official regulation of the activities of officials and control bodies for the moral and psychological support of the training and use of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were revealed. The modern content of the concepts: “moral and psychological support”, “psychological support”, “work with the personnel” was clarified and defined.
There is a need for an interdisciplinary approach to clarify the terminology used in the regulations governing the procedure for moral and psychological support. We consider moral support, psychological support and social work to be the key components of moral and psychological support.
moral and psychological support, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, work with the personnel, psychological support
© 2021 Krut P. P., Stadnik A. V., Vashchenko I. V.
DOI: JEL: I21, I23, I26 UDC: 37.013.77:355.23
Information about the authors
Krut, P. P., Stadnik, A. V., & Vashchenko, I. V. (2021).