Moral and Psychological Support of the State Defense Forces: Socio-Cognitive Dimension

Author`s Contribution:

Babak S. A. 1 A
Krut P. P. 1 A
A — Study design;
B — Data collection;
C — Statistical analysis;
D — Data interpretation;
E — Manuscript preparation;
F — Literature search;
G — Funds collection;
  • Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
Current research on the current complex of threats to national security in all spheres of modern society necessitates the adjustment of theory and practice of construction and reform of the domestic security and defense sector, in which the moral and psychological support of professional activities of defense personnel. Of particular importance for solving problems are the requirements of complex system thinking in the context of post-neoclassical rationality for interdisciplinary analysis of the basic structural components of moral and psychological support for the training and use of security and defense sector.
Theoretical and practical potential of the socio- cognitive constructivist direction of studying the moral behavior of a military specialist, allows to form a special dimension of the subject-professional, where special attention, memory, thinking, decision-making and professional actions that systematically create knowledge and competence, skills and abilities for proper readiness to reliably and guaranteed perform the tasks assigned to a certain power component of the security and defense sector of the modern country. Modern analysis of the problems of moral and psychological support for the training and use of force components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine requires the use of the cognitive dimension of research of a professional who directly implements and protects vital interests of citizens, society and state. Given some properties of cognitive networks, the analysis of cognitive processes is not only combined with existing concepts in cognitive science and epistemology (cognitive niche, cognitive map, cognitive coherence), but adds new aspects to the understanding of subjectivity in all spheres of human life. Special research needs “schemes” – cognitive structures through which a professional subject perceives, interprets, organizes and uses information. The main importance of schemes of formation of own system for identification of priority for the subject- professional components of environment and at the same time, ignoring others. The need to adjust the approaches, forms and methods of modern states to implement their own security and defense policy, preparation and conduct of armed struggle requires the use of interdisciplinary approach to analyze the socio- cultural preconditions for the formation of an adequate model of moral and psychological support of the defense forces. Conceptualization of basic socio- cultural principles of professional training and formation of a military professional allows to constantly clarify the social and cognitive dimensions of institutionalization of the innovative model of the military education system, which allow to create a relevant and effective set of knowledge and competencies, skills and abilities. entrusted to the personnel of the security forces of the security and defense sector of the modern country. Moral and psychological support of the functionality of military specialists should be considered a complex human activity for the accumulation and implementation of personal innovations at three logically related levels: worldview-axiological, cognitive-reflexive and praxeological, which allow effective influence of information-organizational, psychological, social-pedagogical cultural and educational tools for the consciousness and psyche of servicemen. Problems of formation and development of scientific and informational support of moral and psychological support of professional activity of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are interdisciplinary, therefore, their solution should be based on the concept and strategy of building and protecting information society, “knowledge society” and smart society. Dominated by complex socio- cultural, political, economic, technical structures that require for their functioning and development of effective interaction of components of convergent nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive (NBIC) technologies.
Attempts to reform certain parts and components of the security and defense sector in the past, testify to their non-systemic and mostly declarative recognition of the importance of patriotic and professional moral and psychological condition of the personnel of the security and defense forces. Further studies of the peculiarities of the system of moral and psychological support of the power components of the security and defense sector may prove that only interdisciplinary implementation of measuring the degree of formation of spiritual values and professionally necessary psychological qualities of the sector on the basis of national monitoring system, other specialists – allow to introduce an effective mechanism of counteraction to purposeful demoralizing factors in modern hybrid war.
DOI and UDC:
UDC: 159:37.091.2:378.6:355(477) DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2020.4.18
Information about the authors:
Babak Serhiy Anatoliyovych – Doctor of Philosophy in Military Science, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Military Training, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. Research interests: pedagogy, military education; Krut Petro Pavlovych – Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Military Training, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. Research interests: psychology, philosophy, pedagogy;