Metaphorization of the World’s Image as a Psychological Tool for Discovery of the Students’ Potentials
Author`s Contribution:
- Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
The dynamism of modern transformations plus the
variety of challenges, which surrounding reality gives
in all spheres of a person’s life, are characterized by
etiological factors. These etiological features cause the
asthenia of adaptation mechanisms and exhaustion of
the body's functional reserves lessening the efficiency
and activity of a person. In an era of accelerated
transformations, the most vulnerable group is the
student youth. The intrinsic characteristics of the
younger generation are the following: the development,
normalization, and integration of the worldview
together with the intensive development of social
maturity. This development occurs on the background
of emotional experiences associated with a significant
number of crucial decisions made in the shortest
Therefore, a system of effective psychological tools is
needed for maintaining and supporting mental health,
which provides adaptability to objective conditions
along with adequate responses to external influences.
Moreover, the regulation plus the stability of behavior
and activity are dependent on mental health. The
metaphorization of the world’s image is an effective
psychological tool for unlocking not only potentials but
also internal resources. The metaphorization of the
world’s image is a dynamic process that without filters
or limitations originates the strategies of thinking
needed for personal life affecting the person’s states,
decisions, actions, behavior, and the experience of
success and happiness.
Illumination of the “World’s image” various aspects is
the theoretical-methodological basis for the researches
of such authors as I. Andreeva, E. Fromm, M. Johnson,
O. Leontiev,
V. Molyako,
S. Symonenko,
B. Velichkovsky, and others. Besides, the concepts of
the psycho-physiological adaptation are discussed in
the works of L. Abolin, P. Anokhin, O. Asmolov,
V. Kaznacheev,
A. Rean,
V. Rosov,
G. Selie,
L. Vygotsky, and others. The metaphor as the multi-
faceted phenomenon has gained recognition in the
publications of K. Alekseev, D. Davidson, V. Gak,
J. Guilford, J. Lakoff, E. McCormack, V. Moskalyuk,
S. Neretina,
J. Ortega-and-Gasset,
I. Polozova,
O. Potebna, and others. The exposure of “the
metaphorical image” category (MI) is related to such
notions as the figurative code and the image
representations that have to be taken into consideration.
The elucidation of “the metaphorical image” includes the description of its functions, for instance, cognitive,
prognostic, regulatory, creative, and communicative.
The essence plus specific characteristics of the actual
world and students’ psychological states were
investigated based on a free-associative experiment
using content and intent analysis in four blocks of
research: І. A set of creative tasks was given to the
students for understanding of their psychological state
in quarantine situation to develop and implement the
creative tasks for recognition of one’s state in
quarantine situation (in total, 510 students of KNUCA,
KUC, TNU participated in this research). For instance,
1) the student was asked to choose one of the proposed
MI that was associated with one’s mental state.
Besides, the student had to select one of the suggested
MI that was real in the quarantine situation or
desirable/optimal, and describe its negative and
positive characteristics; 2) the student had to identify a
resource MI and based on MI interpretation to respond
on such questions as: “What kinds of my resources are
needed for my optimal state?”, “How can I react in the
best manner possible to harmonize my mental state?”
etc; 3) the student received a task to write the
suggestions for his next steps. II. Identification of
categorically perceived MI and its content is important
when one understood the essence of it and its purpose.
III. The classification of the descriptions was made
based on the tendencies that are dominated in the
students’ psychological states which were associated
with a particular metaphorical motive. IV. The
descriptions have been selected on the grounds of such
characteristics as advancing the constructive
hypotheses for optimization of personal psychological
state, the significant qualitative changes, awareness,
importance, and multifunctionality.
Thus, the study gives rise to the assertion that to the
students, who worked with metaphorical images
characterized by such features as multifacetedness,
multifunctionality, and uncertainty, this practice
provided the new opportunities, and strengthened the
relationship between young person’s internal and
external resources widening and deepening student’s
self-awareness and world concept in the entire
perceptive, conceptual, affective, and motor system.
DOI and UDC:
UDC: 159.923.2:81.33
DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2020.2.25
Information about the authors:
Kostyuchenko Оlena Viktorovna – Doctor of
Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant
Professor at the Department of Psychology, Kyiv
National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv,
Research interests: resource and health-preserving
psychotechnologies, psychology of management,
psychology of artistic creativity, components of
creative and professional potential of the person;