Methodical Manual Review “Methodology for Determining Whether a Blockchain Token Corresponds to a Digital Asset”, author Kud А. А.
Author`s Contribution:
- Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine
DOI and UDC:
DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2019.4.50; UDC: 655.552:001.891.5:330.47:33.053.22(072)
Information about the authors:
Marchenko Olha Serhiivna – Doctor of Economic
Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of
Economic Theory, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law
University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Methodological manual of A. Kud is dedicated to
determining the main characteristics of a blockchain
token as an element of institutional cryptoeconomy.
A. Kud has presented a scalable, easily implementable
and properly formalized methodology for determining
the content of the term “digital asset” among a set of
definitions for the terms “blockchain token”, “digital
currency”, “virtual currency”, “cryptocurrency”,
“digital asset”, “virtual asset”, “crypto asset”, “digital
money”, “virtual money” and “electronic money”.
The author pays extra attention to the substantiation of
the economic component in the context of the
definition of the term “digital asset”, which is
represented by the component “in the form of a unique
Due to the features of unique identifiers described by
the author, natural persons and economic entities get
the ability to keep balance accounting of a digital asset
and calculate economic activity indicators.
The manual defines a blockchain token as an
accounting unit of information in the distributed ledger
technology (DLT), which is the basis for the
methodology for determining the correspondence of a
blockchain token to a digital asset.
The objective of the manual is to unify the approach to
the main components of the term “digital asset” and
correspondence of accuracy of comparing each
separate blockchain token with the criteria of a digital
asset in institutional economy.
A. Kud proposes a fairly simple methodology for
determining the value of any randomly selected token.
The manual is written in an accessible and easy to
understand manner.
The methodological manual includes an extensive
thesaurus, which allows avoiding ambiguous
understanding of widely used terms.
This manual can be recommended to both specialists,
who are involved in legal regulation in the field of
institutional cryptoeconomy, as well as to a wide range
of investors, who are interested in systematizing their
views on cryptoinstruments as a whole.