Team Social Development Indicators
Author`s Contribution:
- Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
The diagnosis of social development and the
determination of its level should include constant
monitoring of these characteristics. As in purely
theoretical terms, and in the direct activities of
enterprises, today there is no single approach to the
generally accepted approach to determining the level of
social development. This is due to the significant
difficulties accompanying the diagnosis process.
Certain difficulties in the calculation are some
indicators that have qualitative characteristics, and
therefore are not devoid of some subjectivity, that is,
the comparison should be carried out not on the
absolute values of the indicators, but on the basis of
their relative variation.
The definition of the level (indicator reflecting this
level) of social development (individual team,
enterprise, region, etc.) should, of course, be
supplemented by some other calculations, in other
words, there is a need for a comparative comprehensive
assessment of the level of social development of the
object for a certain period of time (in dynamics), and
comparison with similar indicators of other objects.
The assessment of social development should be based
on one indicator, which is accepted as a determinant.
However, the multidimensional nature of social
development makes it necessary to describe it from
different sides, that is, in a multidimensional space, the
dimension of which is determined by the number of
output characteristics.
One of the possible options for the development of a
single generalizing indicator of social development is
the construction of a generalizing indicator of quality.
Modern experience of constructing this indicator and
conducting a significant number of studies have proved
the possibility of its using in various spheres of public
The purpose of research is to develop a methodology
for determining the generalized indicator of social
development of the collective.
Research methods:
The theoretical and methodological foundations of the
study are expert and statistical methods, the method of
analysis of hierarchies and the method of
decomposition – in the development of a
methodological approach to assessing the level of
social development of the collective.
The content of the element-by-element system of social
development of the collective is specified.
A methodological approach to assessing the level of
social development of the collective on the basis of
desirability functions is developed.
The definition of a generalizing indicator of the quality
of social development is advisable to carry out in
several stages from the descriptive statistics of changes
in the values of indicators of signs of the object to the
definition of a generalizing function of the desirability
of signs of the object. With their help, individual
indicators of social development are transformed into
an immeasurable scale. This stage of formalization is
necessarily preceded by parametric analysis of object
Appropriate desirability function of certain
characteristics of an object form a summary measure of
the quality of the relevant characteristic and, therefore,
separate functions allow to construct the generalized
function of desirability of the object attributes, which,
in turn, is the final evaluation of the characteristics of
an object. This generalizing indicator is a synthetic
assessment of the level of social development of a
certain object (collective, enterprise, region, etc.).
Thus, the desirability functions obtained in this way
demonstrate the regularities of development of both
elementary and complex features during the considered
period. The resulting system of values forms a system
of indicators that objectively describe the state and
dynamics of social development of a particular object.
DOI and UDC:
DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2019.4.37; UDC: 330.101:316.42/43
Information about the authors:
Litvinenko Andrey Volodymyrovych – candidate of
economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate
Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and
Economic Policy, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National
University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine.