Person’s Constructive Behavior in Emergencies
Author`s Contribution:
- Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
An emergency is an event going beyond the ordinary
life of a person and threatens his/her mental and
physical integrity destroying the social structures of
communities and public order. The situation with the
current pandemic is the vivid example of emergency.
The experience of providing psychological assistance
in such situation shows that the developed emotional
self-regulation is a stable basis for constructive
behavior that preserves health and quality of life.
Research methods:
Basic research methods are (calendar period: 12.03–
30.05.2020): 1) theoretical (system and structure
analysis, historical and logical analysis); 2) empirical
(online consultating: observation, conversation, content
1. A person’s staying in an emergency situation is
accompanied by violations of the internal
psychological system of activity.
2. Constructing a new holistic functional system
provides a process of mental adaptation of a person to
new adverse conditions.
3. The activity of a new integral functional system is
ensured by the interaction of its individual subsystems
resulting in the formation of the new integrative
qualities contributing to successful psychic adaptation.
4. The leading role in forming a new functional system
is played by the system of self-regulation. It performs
two functions: 1) purposefully influences adverse
factors (natural, social) of the emergency situation;
2) determines the choice of productive strategy to
remove violations of the internal psychological system
of activity.
5. Removing violations of the internal psychological
system of activity is possible through constructive
behavior. The main threat to such behavior is made by
weak emotional self-regulation.
6. Weak emotional self-regulation causes frustrating
behavior. Its consequences are as follows: the danger
of “loss” of purposeful and objectified causation goal
(M. Mayer). Due to the loss of the original goal the
behavior cannot be adaptive. At the same time groups
of needs that were previously a source of activity are
not met.
7. Developed emotional self-regulation creates
favorable conditions for constructive behavior which is realized and objectified by causal relationships with the
desired goal. This creates for a person the conditions to
begin adaptation to new living conditions.
1. Only a conscious connection of the behavior with
internal motives contributes to the constructive self-
organization of a person in an emergency. Conditions
for “involving” constructive behavior into such
situation are as follows: 1) experiencing discomfort;
2) realizing the causes of discomfort which arises from
the violation of their own needs (“what (!) is missing”);
3) outlining a meaningful goal (strategy); 4) detailed
behavior planning for the implementation of a
meaningful goal taking into account the conditions of
the activity; 5) forecasting possible adverse effects of
the planned behavior; 6) organizing behavior in
accordance with the meaningful goals and predicted
2. Constructive behavior should be 1) “motivated+”
(such behavior is one of the important stages of the
volitional self-regulation which is accompanied by a
decrease in indicators of the emotional stress) and
2) “organized goal+” (F. Vasylyuk).
3. It is the emotional self-regulation that reduces the
emotional tension. This creates objective conditions for
forming constructive behavior as an energy-saving and
transformative mechanism for building new
“development tasks” in real situations of threat to
human life and health.
4. It was previously stated that there are four types of
the emotional self-regulation (S. Polishchuk): 1 st type
(“Sensitive”): tendency to self-observation, immersion
in inner experiences, understanding their own needs,
desire for harmony; 2 nd type (“Conservative”): deep
sensitivity to the outside world, developed affective
memory, persistent habits, the violation of which
causes persistent discomfort; 3 rd type (“Risky”):
willingness to change, leaving the comfort zone,
courage to change life circumstances, looseness; 4 th
type (“Dependent”): focus on relationships,
dependence on external evaluations, focus on
compliance with the existing rules.
5. Understanding a person’s belonging to a certain type
of emotional self-regulation allows us to understand the
scale of the consequences of being in an emergency
situation and the objective ability to behave
constructively in it.
DOI and UDC:
UDC: 159.9.019.У: 159.942
DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2020.2.28
Information about the authors:
Polishchuk Svitlana Anatolyvna – Candidate of
Researcher, Institute of Social and Political Psychology
of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of
Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Research interests: age development psychology,