Formation Program of Psychological Readiness for Marital Relationship for Girls of Student Age

Author`s Contribution:

Denysenko А. O. 1 A
A — Study design;
B — Data collection;
C — Statistical analysis;
D — Data interpretation;
E — Manuscript preparation;
F — Literature search;
G — Funds collection;
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
The problem of psychological readiness for marital relations continues to be quite acute nowadays. As current experience confirms, the institution of the family has lost its importance, in particular, family and cultural values have been depreciated, family functions and role behavior of spouses have been changed, which negatively affects the life of the family. Among the many aspects of the problem of forming the psychological readiness for marital relations among younger generation, the main factor is singled out – a correct understanding of the social role of the family and marriage in modern society. It is known that many modern young men and women are characterized by increased cognitive activity and a desire for self-determination in all spheres of life, which provides a favorable platform for their correct orientation in marital relations, therefore, the foundations for this type of readiness should be clearly laid at this age. With due regard for the urgency of the problem, we set ourselves the goal of studying the level of psychological readiness girls for marital relationships and develop a program for its formation.
Research methods:
Theoretical analysis of scientific sources with the use of empirical research, as well as the following methods: observation, standardized questionnaires and interviews. To study the psychological readiness for marital relationships among our respondents, we selected methods that would allow us to assess its level to the fullest extent: “Interpersonal perceptions in a premarital couple”, author Abalakina; the authorial methodology “Psychological readiness for marital relations” and “Self-evaluation of love relationships”. Based on the purpose of our work, we organized and conducted an empirical study, where 160 girls aged 18-20 years took part.
The analysis of the results showed that the nature of psychological readiness for marital relationships among girls is presented ambiguously, that is, the number of tested ones can be divided into psychologically ready for this type of relationship (32.0%) and not ready (68.0%). Based on the data presented, it was found that the highest percentage of lack of readiness is observed among girls aged 20 years. Indicators that affect its non-formation are revealed, specifically, negative attitudes to marriage, family stereotypes, authoritarianism, sexual love, lack of mutual understanding and trust. Predominance of the indicators listed above was confirmed by the results of the correlation analysis. The results were the basis for creating a focused program aimed at increasing the level of psychological readiness for marital relationship. During its development, we relied on the prevailing basic moral, ethical, cultural stereotypes and value of marital relationships. The proposed program includes four leading blocks, the objectives of which are: personality block – developing the ability of a holistic self-perception and others; emotional block – elevating the emotional maturity; communicative block – expanding effective communication skills; marital block – the formation of a psychological culture of behavior in marital relationships. The program consists of seven sessions, each of which contains three stages. So, the introductory part includes questions that help create the situation “here and now”; the main part is focused on the topic and is carried out in accordance with the objectives of the lesson; in the final part summarizes the session. So, the first lesson is aimed at removing negative attitudes, reducing anxiety and increasing self-esteem; the second lesson is focused on the development of trusting relationships; the third lesson is aimed at the formation of verbal and non- verbal means used in the process of communication; the fourth lesson is focused on the development of mutual understanding and mutual assistance between partners; the fifth lesson is aimed at correcting aggressiveness; the sixth lesson is aimed at enhancing the flexibility of thinking when making decisions; the last lesson is associated with the formation of the foundations of the ongoing self-diagnosis of psychological readiness for marital relationships. Organization and working conditions involves, that sessions take place twice a week.
The psychological readiness for marital relationships in modern research is analysed and studied mainly indirectly and fragmentarily. It was found that 68.0% of girls are psychologically unready for marital relationships. This fact is most clearly seen among girls aged 20 years. A program designed to increase the level of psychological readiness for marital relationships has been developed. It was based on educational work, as well as specially selected psychological exercises and role-playing games aimed at developing emotional, communicative and other areas.
DOI and UDC:
UDC: 159.9:316.356.2 DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2020.2.22
Information about the authors:
Denysenko Anzhela Olexandrivna – Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Odesa, Ukraine. Research interests: family psychology, psychological health of the family, psychology of emotional relationships;