Lessons Learned from Emergency Remote Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author`s Contribution:
- Belarusian State Economic University, Belarus
Background and aim of study:
The continuing COVID-19 pandemic, a global
calamity per se, has also become a true touchstone for
national systems of education. Schools and universities
worldwide had to switch over to emergency remote
teaching format practically overnight. The present
paper deals with the study of the effect of such
teaching mode on students and faculty.
Research methods:
The methodology used is essentially action research
understood as a disciplined process of inquiry
conducted by and for those taking the action. The
material of the research is the data obtained during the
two-month-long teaching and learning period starting
on 1 April 2020. The leading methods are self-
observation and text analysis, as well as the technique
of sharing experiences and reflective practices.
In conditions of the global pandemic, the educational
research community has focused its attention on the
notion of ‘emergency remote teaching’ (Hodges et al.,
2020). Under the circumstances, the primary objective
was (and still is) not to re-create a fully-fledged
educational system but rather to provide temporary
access to instruction and instructional supports. This is
what makes emergency remote teaching (ERT)
qualitatively different from the more familiar notion of
‘online learning’. Simultaneously, the analysis of ERT
results can give important insights into the workings of
the existing educational processes and can help assess
the level of the educational systems’ resilience.
Bernard et al. (2009) showed that the crucial factor
determining the success of any type of distance
education practice is the quality of interaction (student-
student, student-teacher, and/or student-content). That
is why the ultimate research question was whether ERT
can provide the appropriate level of such interactions.
The observations were conducted by the researcher
while teaching an advanced university course in
Strategies for Communicative Behavior as part of
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) curriculum
designed for senior students (4 th year) at Belarusian
State Economic University. Classes were fully online
only (Zoom platform), and pacing of the instruction
process was class-paced. Student – instructor ratio was
10 to 1, and all classes were practice-based, the role of
both students and instructor active and synchronous.
The researcher was able to receive feedback directly.
Thus, reflective practices occurred sporadically throughout the entire period, resulting in preparing the
final 1000-word exam paper (analytical report) by
students (n=40). The report texts were also subject to
The analyses revealed several important characteristics
of ERT viewed from both the students’ and the
instructor’s perspectives. Despite the relative novelty
of the instructional setting, the students adapted
quickly to the new conditions, which happened to
provide multiple opportunities for in-depth study of
various aspects of communicative behavior,
specifically reflected in strategies for composing
different types of business messages. The students
displayed a high level of satisfaction with the ERT
techniques used during the course, pointing out that
those techniques primarily helped to visualize the
information and personalize the process of acquiring
new skills. However, ERT format proved to be a bigger
challenge for the instructors who experienced difficulty
calibrating the workloads in different subjects, which,
at times, resulted in an excessive amount of written
assignments given to the students.
Action research effort during the period of ERT at the
university level allows maintaining that online class-
paced ESP studies can be as effective as face-to-face
communication in the classroom. It reflects a high level
of resilience and flexibility that the educational system
possesses. However, such format may bring excessive
pressure on both the instructors and students, which is
an adverse effect and may harm the psychological
health of the educational community as a whole.
DOI and UDC:
UDC: 373.167.12
DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2020.2.17
Information about the authors:
Maslov Yuri Vsevolodovich – Doctor of Philosophy
in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
of the Department of International Business
University, Minsk, Belarus.
methodology, translation theory/practice, literary
translation; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5715-6546.