Theoretical Background of Intercultural Interaction of Future Pilots

Author`s Contribution:

Martynenko N. O. 1 A
A — Study design;
B — Data collection;
C — Statistical analysis;
D — Data interpretation;
E — Manuscript preparation;
F — Literature search;
G — Funds collection;
  • Flight Academy of National Aviation University, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
Technological changes in modern society, economic and sociocultural processes of integration and globalization facilitate development of cross-cultural communication increasing professional contacts between the representatives of different cultures and expanding international cooperation and mobility. In connection with this, there are problems of cross- cultural co-operation of specialists, especially those, whose professional activity is related to the permanent moving between different regions, countries, and parts of the world. The specialists of aviation industry belong to them, including pilots, as presently they often work for foreign aviation companies in collaboration with multicultural crews, that requires readiness to intercultural interaction.
There is a general consensus among researchers that intercultural interaction is a significant part of the modern world. In our research the first step is to study the theoretical background of this issue and give the literature review concerning intercultural interaction. A great deal of emphasis has been paid to the problems of intercultural interaction by M. Bakhtin, V. Bybler, E. Holl, G. Hofstede, J. Jackson, R. Porter, L. Samovar and others. The role of culture for successful intercultural interaction is studied by T. Ivanova, F. Trompenaars. Cross-cultural and intercultural education research is carried out by M. Bennett, S. Nikolaeva, A. Solodka. The field of multicultural education is investigated by J. Banks. V. Bybler, M. Khagan focused on the dialogue of cultures. Overcoming intercultural stereotypes and conflicts are the objects of studying by such scholars, as O. Sadokhin, S. Ting-Toomy. The most widely adopted use of intercultural communication in pedagogics is reflected in theoretical and practical English language training. Particular contribution into the research on intercultural interaction, communication and collaboration with international partners in English language training are made by such scientists as O. Baglaii, O. Frolova, A. Kozak, V. Terekhova, S. Ter-Minasova, G. Zakharova. The problems of crew members’ professional training and safety flights in aviation sphere are studied by M. Gromov, R. Makarov, V. Shandrikhov. The problems of supporting and upgrading quality of future pilots, including intercultural, emotional, intellectual, and informational interaction, are one of the central issues for such scholars as G. Leschenko, O. Moskalenko, T. Plachynda. Despite the importance of intercultural interaction in aviation, little attention has been paid to investigating this problem for future pilots during their training in higher educational establishments. According to Webster’s dictionary, interaction has two meanings: - intermediate action and ‘action on each other; - reciprocal action or effect. In Longman’s dictionary, we could find another meaning of interaction: ‘an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other’. That is why we should admit that these two meanings refer to communication between people and their reactions, in case of aviation specialists their communication and reactions with multicultural crews. In the workplace, future specialists will work with many people every day. Strong interpersonal skills will enable them to talk to and work with all types of people, including air traffic controllers, crew members and others. Interpersonal skills do more than give the ability to communicate with other people. Interpersonal skills also help to develop relationships with people. Strong relationships with the people will help to succeed in the workplace. The research shows that poor interpersonal skills are the number one reason why people don’t get along, don’t get promoted or, even worse, lose their jobs.
To summarize our research we should make a conclusion that any specialist who works in a collaboration with people, especially intercultural interaction should take into account cultural aspect, emotional, different perception of surrounding community to avoid the problems with the representatives of different cultures and countries. We consider the following interpersonal skills can help future specialists to develop strong relationships and get along great with people in the workplace: managing relationships, understanding the feelings of others, cooperating with others, great attitude, showing respect, appropriate contact, and active listening.
DOI and UDC:
UDC: 378.37.013 DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2020.2.16
Information about the authors:
Martynenko Nadiia Oleksandrivna – Postgraduate Student, Flight Academy of National Aviation University, Kropyvnytskii, Ukraine. Research interests: pedagogics, aviation education and training;