Creating a Teacher’s Image by the Means of Self-Presentation: Theoretical and Methodological Context

Author`s Contribution:

Marmaza O. I. 1 A
A — Study design;
B — Data collection;
C — Statistical analysis;
D — Data interpretation;
E — Manuscript preparation;
F — Literature search;
G — Funds collection;
  • H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv University, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
At the present stage of the development of the general secondary education system, the role of image as a presentation and affirmation of the uniqueness of the subject, that provides not only professional identification and self-development of the individual, but also determines the formation of the teacher's pedagogical activity culture, has significantly increased. The relevance of the study is increased by the need to eliminate the contradictions between: the objective needs of modern educational institutions in the personality of the teacher, focused on successful self- presentation in professional activity, and the spontaneity of the processes of forming his image and the lack of substantiated pedagogical conditions of formation. In view of this, the purpose of our article is to theoretically substantiate the features, conditions and means of forming the teacher's image while working in a general secondary education institution.
Image is a symbolic form of the subject, which characterizes the style of professional and pedagogical activity in the process of interaction of the teacher with the participants of the educational process, which is determined by the inner “I”, manner of communication and appearance. Teacher activity, being public, places particular demands on such professional skills as self- presentation, which acts as a kind of mechanism of image. It should be mentioned that the essence of self- presentation is to use the effective methods, ways and means to influence the audience, to convey to the others important and necessary information, to state own position, opinion, point of view. Given this it is necessary to use the «upside potential» to form and discover the best qualities, to self-present in a profitable perspective. The activity of the teacher, his behavior, of course, is reflected not only on his own image, but also on the image of the organization as a whole. Therefore, the problem of creating conditions for the teacher’s self- presentation becomes a managerial problem for the head of the educational institution. The managerial aspect of forming of the teacher’s image by means of self-presentation is to create the necessary conditions for it: the teacher’s motivation, scientific and methodological support of the image- creating activity and the program- purposed approach to its organization. Both conditions (motivation of the teacher to successful professional activity and scientific and methodological support of the process of formation of the personal-professional image of the teacher) can be optimally implemented through a program- purposed approach. The main technological toolkit is a complex- purpose program. Particular attention should be paid to activities that create the conditions for self- presentation: conferences, competitions, debates, model lessons, festivals of pedagogical ideas, decades of advanced experience, etc. These activities should help the teacher: to discover personal characteristics; to model individual style of behavior in different life situations; to learn the values of the teaching profession, the rules of pedagogical behavior; to evaluate and identify means of improvement; to adapt to the socio-cultural space of the school; to master technologies and techniques of image formation and protection; to increase the level of self-regulation; to teach the means of formation a favorable image environment around the teacher; to develop sustainable constructive interaction skills; to select means of self- expression that allow the teacher to reach his full potential.
The formation of the teacher’s image is based on active and conscious work: the teacher over himself, which is aimed at self-improvement and self-expression in individual, personal and professional aspects; the head of the educational institution, aimed at creating the conditions of teacher's imaging and self-presentation. Studying the image space and successful image- creating activities allow the teacher to achieve his acme as a personality and professional. Modern imageology in scientific pedagogical discourse is essential. Only with its help a person can win the difficult struggle for the prestige of the teaching profession.
DOI and UDC:
UDC: 37.011.3-051:17.022.1 DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2020.2.15
Information about the authors:
Marmaza Oleksandra Ivanivna – Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Professor, Professor at the Department of Scientific Foundations of Management, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Research interests: education and management in education;