Practical Training of Future Social Workers for Social Work with Children with Special Educational Needs in Various Social Institutions
Author`s Contribution:
- H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
The social work of specialized social institutions that
provide services to children with special educational
needs (SEN) and their immediate environment is one
of the ways to provide resources for this vulnerable
contingent in modern society, which requires more
effective training of future social workers to implement
it. Analysis of the scientific literature and practice of
training specialists for social work with children with
SEN, showed that researchers have studied the
following aspects: features of training social workers to
prevent maladjustment of students with special needs
(A. Kolupaeva, T. Maltseva, S. Netyosov, others);
organization of training of specialists for social and
rehabilitation activities with children with health
disabilities in their environment (L. Akatov,
V. Teslenko, N. Saiko, others); the content of the work
of social workers with the families of children with
SEN in the system of social assistance institutions
(N. Dubrovina,
Z. Kiyanytsya,
O. Mastyukova,
J. Petrochko, others). However, the issue of practical
training of future social workers for social work with
children with SEN in various social institutions has not
yet been fully studied and needs research, so the aim is
to determine the content and features of their training
for the relevant type of professional activity.
Based on the provisions of the Standard for the training
of future social workers and taking into account the
peculiarities of the educational program “Social
Pedagogy” at H. S. Skovoroda KhNPU, we have
identified the content and features of their professional
training for social work in specialized social
institutions of the social assistance system, taking into
account the conditions for the development of such
important special competencies as: knowledge and
understanding of the essence, meaning and types of
social work with children with disabilities; its
directions (psychological, socio-pedagogical, legal,
economic, medical); ability to predict the course of
various social processes that affect the development of
children with SEN; knowledge and understanding of
the legal framework for social work with children with
SEN and their environment; ability to analyze socio-
psychological phenomena, processes of formation,
development and socialization of the personality of a
child with SEN; ability to identify, socially inspect and
assess the needs of families raising children with SEN;
ability to apply modern innovative methods of working
with children with SEN and their environment; ability
to provide resource assistance and support to children
with SEN and their families, taking into account their
individual needs, age differences, gender, ethnic and other characteristics; the ability to initiate social change
aimed at improving the social well-being of families
raising children with SEN; ability to interact with
clients, representatives of various professional groups
and communities in order to improve the quality of
social services for children with SEN; ability to
develop and implement social projects and programs to
provide resources for children with SEN and the
families that are raising them.
In order to ensure the formation of the above
competencies in future professionals in the social field,
we have developed: a special course “Social
rehabilitation work in specialized social institutions”
for higher education of first (bachelor) level, which
provides for the organization of practice-oriented
training in dual form on the basis of specialized social
institutions partnering with the institution of higher
education network that provide social services to
children with SEN and their families; disciplines
“Social work in an inclusive educational environment”
for applicants for higher education of the second
(master’s) level, during which they can get acquainted
with the work of a social worker in an inclusive
educational environment of various educational
institutions; materials of practice in general secondary
and special education institutions, where future social
workers can get acquainted with modern scientific and
practical achievements in social and rehabilitation work
with children with SEN and their families. We have
mastered the methods of organizing mainstreaming,
integration and inclusion in social work with the
relevant contingent as important components of the
activities of social workers, as well as mastering the
features of innovative experience of social work in this
area. To organize practice-oriented classes in dual form
for future social workers, we have selected specialized
institutions that carry out social rehabilitation activities
with children with SEN, where future social workers
had the opportunity to implement their own practical
developments in social work with children with SEN.
Surveys of applicants for higher education and the
results of final certifications in the above disciplines
and on-site socio-pedagogical practice in Institutions of
General Special Education and Specialized Educational
Institutions using the developed methodological
support for training future social pedagogues for social
work with children with SEN and their parents showed
that: all 100% of respondents during surveys noted that
they have increased their own level of professional
practical competence in the direction of social work
with children with SEN and their parents; 73% of
respondents received grades from the final attestation
of higher than medium and high levels and 87%
received grades from on-site practice of higher than
medium and high levels.
DOI and UDC:
UDC: 378.147:364.044.44
DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2020.2.12
Information about the authors:
Kostina Valentyna Viktorivna – Doctor of
Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kharkiv
National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. Research interests: social pedagogy, social work,