Experience of Applying Computer-Aided Testing in English Classes
Author`s Contribution:
- National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
In their teaching practice, English teachers now have
plenty of computer technologies and devices available
to facilitate their activity.
We want to concentrate mainly on the computerassisted testing devices for university students for
several reasons.
First, online tests deprive an English teacher of the
exhausting routine of marking hundreds of paper tests.
Second, even if the teacher uses ready-made online
tests, they do not always match the purpose of current
That is why the aim of our search was to find a rather
powerful online testing tool which can be easily
mastered by non-professional computer users and run
on any digital devices.
Research methods:
Out of the whole range of possibilities we have chosen
GoogleForms with its Quiz tool. Using this instrument
the teacher can create various types of tests: multiple
choice; matching; open-ended tasks; writing tasks.
Analysis of the testing procedure, observation,
discussion of the results with teachers and students
involved in the experiment helped to determine the
most effective ways to organize the testing.
Nine tests comprising different tasks were created
using GoogleForms and more than 100 students of
National Technical University “KhPI” who study
English as a second language have been tested.
Five teachers of English took part in the experiment.
Based on the experience of testing we have drawn
some conclusions on the ways to arrange the test tasks
and organize the testing process.
The tasks tested included several assignments.
Listening: The ways to supply students with audio
material vary. The recording was included in the
Google test itself, stored in GoogleDrive, sent to
students by email, and read or played by the teacher in
the classroom. The task for listening was given as a set
of multiple choice questions. This was agreed to be the
most unambiguous type of testing.
Vocabulary: The students were expected to fill in the
gaps in the text with one of 3 options for each gap. It is
advisable to supply the students with a printed copy of
the text while the test will contain only the task.
Another possibility is to store the text as a separate file
in GoogleDrive or send it by email.
Reading: Similarly, the text for reading was supplied as
mentioned before and the test task consisted of a set of
True-False (and Not Given) sentences with two or
three option to choose.
Communication: The test included a set of matching
sentences in the form of dropdown lists which simulate
dialogue fragments. Depending on the students’
language proficiency level, the matching lists may
contain the same or different number of items.
Use of English (Grammar and Vocabulary): This task
was set up as multiple choice tasks and as open-ended
sentences. The latter appeared to cause some problems
and needed additional efforts to check.
Writing: The task was specified in detail inside the test
and there was a special field for the students to write
their answer. Obviously, the teacher should evaluate it
manually by pre-set criteria. Nevertheless, being typed,
the text is much easier to check compared to
Speaking: Unfortunately, GoogleForms has no devices
to record the user’s speech. So, the possible ways of
checking this task are either face-to-face assessment or
listening to the recordings made by students and saved,
e.g. in GoogleDrive.
When the students have completed the quiz, the teacher
receives the report in the form of a summary and
individual answers with automatically calculated
points. Responses summary is an additional bonus for
the teacher because it calculates the percentages of
correct and wrong answers for each item of the test.
This makes an invaluable source for the analysis,
feedback and following error treatment in class.
To summarize, GoogleForms provide an easily
mastered and powerful tool for creating and checking
English tests, which facilitates the teacher’s job.
DOI and UDC:
DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2019.2.10; UDC:
Information about the authors:
Lazareva Olga Yaroslavna – Doctor of Philosophy in
Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate
Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages,
National Technical University “KhPI”, Kharkiv,
Kovtun Olena Olexandrivna – Associate Professor of
the Department of Foreign languages, National
Technical University “KhPI”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.