Formed Social Competence as Means to Solve Bullying at School
Author`s Contribution:
- National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine
Received: 20.01.2019Accepted: 22.02.2019Published: 29.03.2019
Background and aim of study:
The modern worldview shows that the society experiences bullying more and more often. Teenagers’ aggressive behaviour and bullying of those who are of the same age has been highlighted by mass media more frequently lately. Science has been interested in this problem for a long time. However a significant amount of current theories requires additional detailed theoretical analysis, first of all – new empirical research that could become the basis for creating more specific meanings in their application of theoretical concepts of the defined phenomenon.
The aim of the study: to ground the necessity of social competence formation as a means of bullying solution at schools
Research methods:
To reach the aim, a set of theoretical methods is used in the work: deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalisation.
The essence of the notion “bullying” is revealed in the research. It is defined that in a narrow sense the essence of bullying is aggression and violence, but in a broad sense it is asocial behaviour. The main reason of bullying is grounded, that is unformed social competence.
Components of social competence are outlined: cognitive-motivational, emotionalreflexive, operational-activity. The interconnection between the age physiological and psychological peculiarities of a primary pupil and the process of social competence formation to prevent bullying among a new generation is established. Further research will be directed at elaboration of methodical tools as for social competence formation
bullying, violence, asocial behaviour, social competence, primary school age, theory of generations, generation Z.
© 2019 Hubarieva D. V. Published by Archives of International Journal of Education and Science
DOI and UDC:
DOI 10.26697/ijes.2019.1.04; UDC 316.6.336.2+373.013.42
Information about the authors:
Hubarieva Daria Viacheslavivna (Corresponding Author) –; [email protected]; Post-Graduate Student; National Pedagogical Dragomanov University; Kyiv, Ukraine.