Bullying and Its Influence Over a Personality
Author`s Contribution:
- National Academy of Internal Affairs, IvanoFrankivsk, Ukraine
Background and aim of study:
During the first four years of the life, a child perceives
25% of the information he will perceive within the
whole life. That is what forms a child’s behaviour and
worldview. If a child grows up and sees only the
scandals between his parents, the scratched walls, and
the violence, if a child has got through humiliation by
his classmates there is a high probability that he will
strive to suppress the weaker children in order to
compensate for his own lack of confidence and fear.
That is why nowadays everything is being done to
prevent bullying at schools worldwide and in Ukraine
in particular.
The name “bullying” derives from the English word
“bully”, which means a hooligan, a troublemaker, a
person who uses his power and authority to scare or
harm other people. The word “bullying” means the
aggressive behaviour of one person in relation to
another in order to cause him mental or physical
damage, to humiliate him in such way for asserting the
authority over him.
The purpose of the article is to determine the features
peculiar to bullying, which influences over a teenager,
and its consequences affecting an adult personality in
The phenomenon of bullying and its form
cyberbullying are spreading both in Ukraine and
throughout the world. According to the Human Rights
Information Centre, as on July 2017, 67% of the
Ukrainian children faced with the problem of bullying
within the previous three months. 24% of the children
were harassed, and 48% of them did not tell anyone
about such cases. In addition, in the late November of
2017, the Ukrainian Institute of Research of Extremism
found that eight of ten children faced with a
manifestation of bullying. According to the studies,
24% of the Ukrainian children came across the
harassment at school just once. Less than half of them
told about their experience to their parents, relatives,
and friends. Bullying very often leads to irreparable
consequences and therefore, there is much talk
worldwide about how to stop school violence.
The social environment has a leading role in juvenile
delinquency. The specificities of age just strengthen the
importance of the influence of the environment but
they should be certainly taken into account in the
criminological characteristic and preventive work with
minors. The age peculiarities have an effect on all
substructures of the personality: on the biological state
and the relevant mental state, on the life experience of
a minor, on the formation of a system of personal
values and the criminogenic orientation of the
Teachers and parents, of course, are not constantly able
to protect children from others. It concerns
cyberbullying especially in the circumstances of today
because even if we protect a child at school and at
home, none can protect him in the social networks. The
problem of cyberbullying becomes more relevant since
teenagers are having a thorough knowledge of
technical means and use them for various purposes.
The very important work on legal literacy is conducted
by the students and cadets among the pupils of general
education institutions. As the students and cadets are
equipped with theoretical knowledge, they inform the
teenagers about opposition to bullying among the
minors in such educational institutions. It would be
advisable to introduce also so-called “Big brother
protect” (info by Danchenko K. M.), which would
allow the wishing students and cadets to take patronage
over the pupils who have suffered or may suffer from
bullying. This program could have a bilateral effect
because it would help to form the correct
communication skills in students, on the one hand, and
to reduce the level of bullying among teenagers, on the
other hand.
DOI and UDC:
DOI: 10.26697/ijes.2018.3-4.28; UDC: 316.624.2
Information about the authors:
Danchenko Kateryna Mykhailivna – Senior Lecturer
of the Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines and
Operative Investigating Activity, National Academy of
Internal Affairs, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.